Phosphoric acid , ฟอสฟอริกแอซิด, ฟอสฟอริกเอซิด, กรดฟอสฟอริก, H3PO4, ฟอสฟอริค

ชื่อผู้ประกาศ : ไทยโพลีมิเนอรัล

เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 034854888, 034496284

โทรศัพท์มือถือ : 0800160016

ที่อยู่ : 36/5 ม.9 ต.นาดี อ.เมืองสมุทรสาคร จ.สมุทรสาคร


นำเข้าและจำหน่าย Phosphoric acid , ฟอสฟอริกแอซิด, ฟอสฟอริกเอซิด, กรดฟอสฟอริก, H3PO4, ฟอสฟอริค สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ ฝ่ายขาย  บริษัท ไทยโพลีเคมิคอล จำกัด โทรศัพท์ 034854888, 034496284 มือถือ 0824504888, 0800160016 โทรสาร 034854899, 034496285 

Phosphoric  Acid, กรดฟอสฟอร์ริก, ฟอสฟอร์ริกแอซิด

ฟอสฟอริค (Phosphoric)

ชื่อเคมีทั่วไป : Phosphorus pentoxide

ชื่อพ้องอื่นๆ : Phosphorous

pentaoxide; Phosphoric; Phosphoric anhydride; Phosphoric pentoxide;

Phosphorus(V) oxide; Phosphorus oxide; Diphosphorus pentaoxide; Diphosphorus

pentoxide; Phosphorus Pentoxide (Phosphorus Anhydride)

กรดฟอสฟอริก (Phosphoric acid) เป็นกรดแร่ มีสูตรเคมี H3PO4 กรดฟอสฟอริกบริสุทธิ์จะอยู่ในรูปผลึกใส (มีจุดหลอมละลายที่ 42.35? C) แต่กรดฟอสฟอริกที่ความเข้มข้นและอุณหภูมิอื่นๆ อาจพบในรูปของเหลวใส ไม่มีสี ไม่มีกลิ่น สามารถละลายน้ำและแอลกอฮอล์ได้


ทั้งในการผลิตสารพวกฟอสเฟต เช่น ผงซักฟอก สบู่ ปุ๋ย รวมถึงใช้ผสมเป็นวัสดุอุดฟัน

จนถึง ถูกใช้เป็นส่วนผสมของน้ำอัดลม


ประโยชน์การใช้งาน อุตสาหกรรมโรงชุบและโลหะ, อุตสาหกรรมน้ำยาทำความสะอาด, อุตสาหกรรมผลิตชิ้นส่วนยานยนต์, อุตสาหกรรมอาหารและเครื่องดื่ม, สารเคมีอื่นๆ

- การเก็บรักษาสารนี้เก็บในภาชนะบรรจุที่ปิดมิดชิด

- เก็บให้ห่างจากน้ำหรือบริเวณที่อาจจะมีการใช้น้ำในการดับเพลิง

- เก็บในบริเวณที่เย็น, มีการระบายอากาศที่ดี

- เก็บให้ห่างจากแหล่งความร้อน, เปลวไฟ หรือแหล่งจุดติดไฟ เก็บแยกจากสารที่ควรหลีกเลี่ยง

- ชื่อทางการขนส่ง : Phosphorus pentoxide

- ประเภทอันตราย : ประเภท 8

- UN/NA : UN 1807

- ประเภทการบรรจุหีบห่อ : กลุ่ม II


acid (also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric(V) acid) is a mineral

(inorganic) acid having the chemical formula H3PO4. Orthophosphoric acid

molecules can combine with themselves to form a variety of compounds which are

also referred to as phosphoric acids, but in a more general way. The term

phosphoric acid can also refer to a chemical or reagent consisting of

phosphoric acids, such as pyrophosphoric acid or triphosphoric acid, but

usually orthophosphoric acid.


conjugate base of phosphoric acid is the dihydrogen phosphate ion, H2PO 4,

which in turn has a conjugate base of hydrogen phosphate, HPO2 4, which has a

conjugate base of phosphate, PO3.


addition to being a chemical reagent, phosphoric acid has a wide variety of

uses, including as a rust inhibitor, food additive, dental and orthop(a)edic

etchant, electrolyte, flux, dispersing agent, industrial etchant, fertilizer

feedstock, and component of home cleaning products. Most common source of

phosphoric acid is an 85% aqueous solutions. Such solutions are colourless,

odourless, non-volatile. Rather viscous, syrupy liquids, but still pourable.

Phosphoric acid is very commonly used as an aqueous solution of 85% (w/v)

phosphoric acid or H3PO4. Because it is a concentrated acid, an 85% solution

can be corrosive, although nontoxic when diluted. Because of the high

percentage of phosphoric acid in this reagent, at least some of the orthophosphoric

acid is condensed into polyphosphoric acids. For the sake of labeling and

simplicity, the 85% represents H3PO4 as if it were all orthophosphoric acid.

Dilute aqueous solutions of phosphoric acid exist in the ortho- form.

Food additive


phosphoric acid (additive E338 is used to acidify foods and beverages such as

various colas, but not without controversy regarding its health effects.  It provides a tangy or sour taste, and being

a mass-produced chemical is available cheaply and in large quantities. The low

cost and bulk availability is unlike more expensive seasonings that give

comparable flavors, such as citric acid which is obtainable from citrus, but

usually fermented by Aspergillus niger mold from scrap molasses, waste starch hydrolysates

and phosphoric acid.[8] Various phosphates, e.g., monocalcium phosphate, are

used as leavening agents.

 Niche uses

Phosphoric acid and its derivatives are pervasive and find many niche applications.

Rust removal


acid may be used as a "rust converter", by direct application to

rusted iron, steel tools, or surfaces. The phosphoric acid converts

reddish-brown iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3 (rust) to black ferric phosphate, FePO4.

An empirical formula for this reaction is:


converter" is sometimes a greenish liquid suitable for dipping (in the

same sort of acid bath as is used for pickling metal), but it is more often

formulated as a gel, commonly called "naval jelly". It is sometimes

sold under other names, such as "rust remover" or "rust

killer". As a thick gel, it may be applied to sloping, vertical, or even

overhead surfaces.


treatment, the black ferric phosphate coating can be scrubbed off, leaving a

fresh metal surface. Multiple applications of phosphoric acid may be required

to remove all rust. The black phosphate coating can also be left in place,

where it will provide moderate further corrosion resistance (such protection is

also provided by the superficially similar Parkerizing and blued

electrochemical conversion coating processes).

In medicine


acid is used in dentistry and orthodontics as an etching solution, to clean and

roughen the surfaces of teeth where dental appliances or fillings will be

placed. Phosphoric acid is also an ingredient in over-the-counter anti-nausea

medications that also contain high levels of sugar (glucose and fructose). This

acid is also used in many teeth whiteners to eliminate plaque that may be on

the teeth before application.

Other applications

Among other applications, phosphoric acid is used:

 As an external standard for phosphorus-31 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

 For high-performance liquid chromatography.

 As a chemical oxidizing agent for activated carbon production, as used in the Wentworth Process.

 As the electrolyte in phosphoric acid fuel cells.

 With distilled water (2?3 drops per gallon) as an electrolyte in oxyhydrogen generators.

 As a catalyst in the hydration of alkenes to produce alcohols, predominantly ethanol.

 As an electrolyte in copper electropolishing for burr removal and circuit board planarization.

 As a flux by hobbyists (such as model railroaders) as an aid to soldering.

 In compound semiconductor processing,

phosphoric acid is a common wet etching agent: for example, in combination with

hydrogen peroxide and water it is used to etch InGaAs selective to InP.

 Heated in microfabrication to etch silicon

nitride (Si3N4). It is highly selective in etching Si3N4 instead of SiO2,

silicon dioxide.

 As a cleaner by construction trades to remove mineral deposits, cementitious smears, and hard water stains.

 As a chelant in some household cleaners aimed at similar cleaning tasks.

 In hydroponics pH solutions to lower the pH of

nutrient solutions. While other types of acids can be used, phosphorus is a

nutrient used by plants, especially during flowering, making phosphoric acid

particularly desirable.

 As a pH adjuster in cosmetics and skin-care products.

 As a dispersing agent in detergents and leather treatment.

 As an additive to stabilize acidic aqueous solutions within a wanted and specified pH range.

Biological effects


section requires expansion with: health effects beyond soft drinks. (January


In soft drinks


acid, used in many soft drinks (primarily cola), has been linked in

epidemiological studies to (1) chronic kidney disease and (2) lower bone



A study performed by the Epidemiology Branch of the US National Institute of

Environmental Health Sciences, concludes that drinking 2 or more colas per day

was associated with doubling the risk of chronic kidney disease.


A study[14] using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry rather than a questionnaire

about breakage, provides reasonable evidence to support the theory that

drinking cola results in lower bone density. This study was published in the

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A total of 1672 women and 1148 men were

studied between 1996 and 2001. Dietary information was collected using a food

frequency questionnaire that had specific questions about the number of

servings of cola and other carbonated beverages and that also made a

differentiation between regular, caffeine-free, and diet drinks. The paper

cites significant statistical evidence to show that women who consume cola

daily have lower bone density. Total phosphorus intake was not significantly

higher in daily cola consumers than in nonconsumers; however, the

calcium-to-phosphorus ratios were lower. On the other hand, another study

suggests that insufficient intake of phosphorus leads to lower bone density.

The study does not examine the effect of phosphoric acid, which binds with

magnesium and calcium in the digestive tract to form salts that are not

absorbed, but rather studies general phosphorus intake.


clinical study by Heaney and Rafferty using calcium-balance methods found no

impact of carbonated soft drinks containing phosphoric acid on calcium

excretion. The study compared the impact of water, milk, and various soft

drinks (two with caffeine and two without; two with phosphoric acid and two

with citric acid) on the calcium balance of 20- to 40-year-old women who

customarily consumed ~3 or more cups (680 mL) of a carbonated soft drink per

day. They found that, relative to water, only milk and the two

caffeine-containing soft drinks increased urinary calcium, and that the calcium

loss associated with the caffeinated soft drink consumption was about equal to

that previously found for caffeine alone. Phosphoric acid without caffeine had

no impact on urine calcium, nor did it augment the urinary calcium loss related

to caffeine. Because studies have shown that the effect of caffeine is

compensated for by reduced calcium losses later in the day, Heaney and Rafferty

concluded that the net effect of carbonated beverages?including those with

caffeine and phosphoric acid?is negligible, and that the skeletal effects of

carbonated soft drink consumption are likely due primarily to milk



chemicals such as caffeine (also a significant component of popular common cola

drinks) were also suspected as possible contributors to low bone density, due

to the known effect of caffeine on calciuria. One other study, involving 30

women over the course of a week, suggests that phosphoric acid in colas has no

such effect, and postulates that caffeine has only a temporary effect, which is

later reversed. The authors of this study conclude that the skeletal effects of

carbonated beverage consumption are likely due primarily to milk

displacement[16] (another possible confounding factor may be an association

between high soft drink consumption and sedentary lifestyle)[citation needed].

See also

 Phosphate fertilizers, such as ammonium phosphate fertilizers


acid is deliberately added to soft drinks to give them a sharper flavor. It

also slows the growth of molds and bacteria, which would otherwise multiply

rapidly in the sugary solution.


all of the acidity of soda pop comes from the phosphoric acid and not from the

carbonic acid from the dissolved CO2. You can verify this by measuring the pH

of fresh and flat soda pop; there's very little difference.


phosphoric acid is corrosive, but actually the acid concentration in soda pop

is lower than that in orange juice or lemonade. Try submerging identical strips

of magnesium (or iron staples) in each of these beverages overnight. Which

beverage dissolves more metal? Which dissolves the metal fastest?


juices and drinks are also tart, but they don't use phosphoric acid as a flavor

additive. Phosphoric acid would cause many ions present in fruit juices to

settle out as insoluble phosphates. These beverages get their tang from citric

acid, a substance found in oranges, limes, lemons and grapefruits. Malic acid,

found in apples and cherries, is added to many fruit juices. Fumaric acid is

used in noncarbonated soft drinks, and tartaric acid gives grape-flavored

candies a subtle sour flavor. All of these substances impart only tartness,

without overpowering other flavors present.


acid is used in the manufacture of superphosphate fertilisers, livestock feeds,

phosphate salts, polyphosphates, soaps, waxes, polishes and detergents.

Phosphoric acid is used as a soil stabiliser, in the manufacture of fire

control agents, opal glasses, electric lights, in cotton dyeing, tile cleaning,

ceramic binding, dental cement, water treatment, electro-polishing, operating

lithography, photoengraving operations, process engraving, as a petrol additive

and in coagulating rubber latex. It is used in metal rust proofing before

painting, in the polishing of metals, in pickling and in hot stripping for

aluminium and zinc substrates. Phosphoric acid is used as an acid catalyst in

making ethylene and purifying hydrogen peroxide, in the manufacture of

chemicals (ethylbenzene, propylene, cumene), as a bonding agent for refractory

bricks, in extracting penicillin and as an analytical agent. It is used as an

anti-oxidant in food, as a flavour additive for sharp taste in food (jellies,

preserves) and soft drinks (e.g. Coca-Cola), as a tang (Food Additive 338) and

for the manufacture of yeasts and gelatine. It is used to manufacture the

phosphoric acid electrolyte fuel cell system and it has been used to treat lead


Substance details

Substance name: Phosphoric acid

CASR number: 7664-38-2

Molecular formula: H3O4P (or PO(OH)3)

Synonyms: Orthophosphoric acid, white phosphoric acid, Sonac

Physical properties


phosphoric acid is a non-combustible, colourless, odourless and hygroscopic

crystal. Commercial phosphoric acid comes as a viscous solution in water which

contains 75-85% phosphoric acid. The liquid can solidify at lower temperatures.

Melting Point: 42?C (pure)

 21?C (85%)

 18?C (75%)

Boiling Point: 260?C (pure)

 154?C (85%)

 135?C (75%)

Specific Gravity: 1.88 (pure)

 1.69 (85%)

 1.58 (75%)

Vapour Density: 3.4 (pure)


acid can be made using either of two different methods. One method is by direct

reaction of ground phosphate rock with sulfuric acid which also produces a lot

of gypsum (calcium sulfate) as waste by-product. The second method is by

burning elemental phosphorous and subsequent hydration of the phosphorous

oxide. Phosphoric acid is a corrosive acid that can form three different classes

of salts, namely primary phosphates, dibasic phosphates and tribasic

phosphates. Phosphoric acid is soluble in water. It is incompatible with strong

caustics and it is corrosive to ferrous metals and alloys. It readily reacts

with metals to form flammable hydrogen gas. Phosphoric acid decomposes under

formation of toxic fumes on contact with alcohols, aldehydes, cyanides,

ketones, phenols, esters, sulfides, mercaptans and halogenated organic

compounds. Phosphoric acid forms toxic phosphorous oxide fumes on combustion.


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