Barium Stearate แบเรียมสเตียเรต

ชื่อผู้ประกาศ : อัศวิน วิรุธพานนท์

เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 034854 888

โทรศัพท์มือถือ : 0800160016

ที่อยู่ : 36/5 ม.9 ต.นาดี อ.เมืองสมุทรสาคร

การติดต่ออื่นๆ :


แบเรียมสเตียเรต ขนาดบรรจุภัณฑ์  15 kg / bag

แบเรียมสเตียเรต, แบเรียมสเตียเรท, Barium Stearate

บจก.ไทยโพลีเคมิคอล จำกัด ดำเนินธุรกิจ ผลิต และจัดจำหน่าย แบเรียมสเตียเรต, แบเรียมสเตียเรท, Barium Stearate รวมทั้ง เมทัลสเตียเรต, Metal Stearate อื่นๆด้วย ได้แก่

แบเรียมสเตียเรต, แบเรียมสเตียเรท, Barium Stearate, packing 15 kg/bag

แคลเซียมสเตียเรต, แคลเซียมสเตียเรท, Calcium Stearate, packing 10 kg/bag

เลดสเตียเรต, เลดสเตียเรท, ตะกั่วสเตียเรต, Lead Stearate, packing 20 kg/bag

ซิงค์สเตียเรต, ซิงค์สเตียเรท, สังกะสีสเตียเรต, Zinc stearate, packing 10 kg/bag

Physical, a white, crystalline, water-insoluble soli d, Ba(C 18  H 35  O 2  ) 2  , used chiefly as a waterproofing agent and as a lubricant. BARIUM

STEARATE, Barium Octadecanoate, Barium Di Stearate, Stearic acid, Barium salt.

Octadecanoic acid, Barium salt; Bariumdistearat (German); Diestearato de bario

(Spanish); Dist?arate de baryum (French). BARIUM STEARATE APPLICATIONS &

USES  as below,


Compounds, Rigid PVC Pipes and Cables, PVC Profiles and Flooring, PVC Footwear,

Master Batches. BARIUM STEARATE is heat stabilizer and lubricant for

transparent PVC Compound. It is generally used in conjunction with other

stabilizers Cadmium Stearate and Lead Stearate.

 A combination of Barium, Zinc and CALCIUM

STEARATE can be used as a stabilizer in food grade PVC processing. Due to high

melting point BARIUM STEARATE is used for high-speed calendaring. It is used as

a flatting and sanding agents in lacquers, coatings and inks.

It is also used as drying lubricants and dusting agents for rubbers.


salts of fatty acids (called soap) are primarily used as cleansing agent

(mainly sodium- and potassium-) which their molecules attach readily to both

polar molecules (of water) and non-polar molecules (of grease or oil). The long

hydrocarbon chains are non-polar (and hydrophobic) repelled by water and the

salt end molecules are ionic (and hydrophilic) water soluble. Soaps differ

according to the type of fatty acid and length of the carbon chain and

according to the alkali employed. Fatty acids with longer chains are insoluble.

If sodium hydroxide is used as the alkali, hard soaps are formed; potassium

hydroxide yields soft soaps. Soap salts are used as insecticides, herbicides,

fungicides and algaecides. The lipophilic carbon chains infiltrate and destroy

the lipoprotein matrix of the insect's cell membranes. Food grade soap salts

are used also as  general purpose food

additives. Aluminum, calcium, magnesium, lead, zinc or other metals are used in

place of sodium or potassium for soaps to be used in industry. Metallic salts

of fatty acids are used as stabilizer and plasticizer in plastic industry as

well as in cosmetics. They are used as flatting and sanding agents in lacquers,

coatings & inks. They can be applied in tablet manufacturing. They are used

as drying lubricants and dusting agents for rubbers. They are used as catalysts

in chemical synthesis and emulsifiers for emulsion polymerization of synthetic

rubber and resin which can be approved for use in food contact applications.

They are used as waterproofing additives and ointments.

Barium Stearate


Bariumstearatetechgrwhitepowder;barium distearate;octadecanoic acid barium

salt;STEARIC ACID BARIUM SALT;stavinor40;barium distearate, pure;barium

octadecanoate;Barium Stearate (Light);barium dioctadecanoate;octadecanoate,

barium salt (1:1); Molecular formula : Ba(OOCH35C17)2 Property: It is white

toxic and flammable powder with specific gravity of 1.145. it can not dissolve

in water or ethanol and will become to glue when cooled after being heated in

the organic solvent. It will be decomposed to stearate or salt when meet the

strong acid. Specification : Testing items Excellent Free acid(accounted as

stearic acid),%? 0.5 Melting point,?? 210 Barium content, % 20.0 ?0.4 Heating

? 0.5 Fineness (mesh of 0.075mm) %? 99.5

Application : It has good stability and lubrication, better than calcium

stearate, but poorer than lead stearate. It is better if used together with

cadmium, zinc and epoxy compound. It is mainly used for transparent film and

flake, imitation leather, cable granule, rigid material, etc. when in a larger

quantity, however, you can see many patt

Barium Stearate

Appearance: White, slightly powder

Molecular formula: (C17H35000)2Ba


and features: White, slightly powder, toxic, Indissoluble in water and alcohol.

Soluble in toluene. Have water absorption in the air.


It has good stability and lubrication, better than calcium stearate, but poorer

than lead stearate. It is better if used together with cadmium, zinc and epoxy

compound. It is mainly used for transparent film and flake, imitation leather,

cable granule, rigid material, etc. When in a large quantity, however, you can

see many patterns.


สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ ฝ่ายขาย

Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd.

บริษัท ไทยโพลีเคมิคอล จำกัด

ที่อยู่36/5 ม.9  แขวง/ตำบลนาดี  เขต/อำเภอเมืองสมุทรสาคร  จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร รหัสไปรษณีย์74000

Tel.: 034854888, 034496284

Fax.: 034854899, 034496285

Mobile: 0824504888, 0800160016

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